Ready: why women are embracing the new later motherhood
In Ready, Elizabeth Gregory tracks the burgeoning trend of new later motherhood and demonstrates that for many women today, waiting for family works best. She provides compelling evidence of the benefits of having children later—by birth or by adoption. Gregory reveals that large numbers of women succeed in having children between 35 and 44 by the usual means (one in seven kids born today has a mom in that age range), and that many of those who don’t succeed nonetheless find alternate routes to happy families via egg donation or adoption. And they’re glad they waited. Without ignoring the complexities that older women may face in their quest to have children, Gregory reveals the many advantages of waiting.
• MORE ABOUT THIS BOOK • new 2012 paperback with new data & analysis

Quotation and modern american poetry
Why did quotation come into vogue among modernist American poets when, historically, allusion had been the preferred mode of intertextual reference? Elizabeth Gregory argues that quotation served as a site of these poets' struggle with questions of literary authority and, relatedly, of cultural and gender identity. While different poets quoted very different kinds of texts to very different effects, their shared reliance on quotation suggests their commonality of concerns---concerns that continue to be of interest in the postmodern world, where quotation remains a prevalent artistic mode.

The critical response to marianne moore
Gregory documents for the first time, the critical reception history of the great modernist poet Marianne Moore. This collection of 71 of the most important and provocative reviews and essays from across Moore's long career (1915-1972) includes pivotal articles by H. D., T. S. Eliot, Mark Van Doren, Ezra Pound, Richard Aldington, Edith Sitwell, Harriet Monroe, Alfred Kreymborg, William Carlos Williams, Scofield Thayer, Wallace Stevens, F. R. Leavis, Morton Zabel, Randall Jarrell, Elizabeth Bishop, W. H. Auden, Muriel Rukeyser, Glenway Wescott, Kenneth Koch, John Ashbery, Hilton Kramer and many others. The individual reviews are themselves of considerable literary note. And together they chart the development of a major contributor to the American modernist scene, whose work actively critiques the structures of literary authority.

selected Essays
“Marianne Moore’s ‘Blue Bug’: A Dialogic Ode on Celebrity, Race,
Gender & Age”
in Modernism/modernity, 22.4 (November, 2015), 759-786.
“‘Still Leafing’: Celebrity, Confession, Marianne Moore’s 'The Camperdown Elm,' and the Scandal of Age”
Journal of Modern Literature 35.3 (Spring 2012), 51-76.
“The Economics and Politics of Delayed Birth Timing”
Journal of the Motherhood Initiative 3.1 Mothers and the Economy: The Economics of Motherhood (Spring/Summer 2012), 80-95.
“How Women (and Men) Can Have it All—Now”
Daily Beast (June 27, 2012) Read online.
“THRIVE and the New Longevity”
in the THRIVE Catalogue, ed. Diane Barber, Caroline Goeser, MaryRoss Taylor (Houston: UH Women's Studies Program, 2009), 3-4.
To order catalogue, contact Women's Studies Office.
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“Fertility, Fitness, and the Fountain of Youth”
Plum Magazine: The Pregnancy & Parenting Guide for Women 35+, (Spring/Summer 2008), 21-22.
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“Confessing the Body: Sexton, Plath, Lowell, Ginsberg and Berryman”
Modern Confessional Writing: New Critical Essays, ed. Jo Gill
(NY: Routledge, 2005), 33-49.
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“‘Combat Cultural’: Marianne Moore and the Mixed Brow”
Critics and Poets on Marianne Moore: “A Right Good Salvo of Barks,”
ed. Linda Leavell, Cristanne Miller and Robin Schulze
(Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell UP, 2005), 208-21.
• Download Pdf (8.7MB) • Book review
“Flaring Moore, or The Revisionist Reviewed”
The Critical Response to Marianne Moore, ed. Elizabeth Gregory
(Westport, CT: Praeger/Greenwood Press, 2003), 1-17.
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“Unravelling Penelope: The Construction of the Faithful Wife in Homer's
Helios 23. 1 (Spring 1996), 3-20.
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“Stamps, Money, Pop Culture and Marianne Moore”
Discourse 17, no. 1 (Fall 1994), pp. 123-46.
• download pdf (2.8)

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